
Ways to Make an Awesome PowerPoint

rating: 5.00 of 52

by 2009-11-18 19:30:29

For an introduction, I'd just like to say that if you're a seasoned PowerPoint user, you've probably heard this all before and so don't bother leaving a negative review for that reason because you have been warned. OK, now that is out of the way we can get down to business. In this article I will tell you several completely simple and non-time consuming tips on how you can make a great PowerPoint Presentation.

1:Don't put too much on one slide - if you have loads of information, toucan either say it out loud or put it on several slides. If you spread it out, it looks like you are more knowledgeable about the subject anyway. The pros are simply rolling in.

2: Keep the text large - a common trap that so many people fall into is having the text really small. If people can't read what you have said, there's no point saying it! Oh and just as a bonus tip, just because you can read it sitting at your computer, doesn't mean that people sitting several meters away can read it.

3: Be consistent in theme- this doesn't mean that you can't have more than one theme, it just means that you have to have the same one for the same subjects. For example,you could split your presentation into 4 parts and have a different theme for each part. Do not have a different theme per slide!

4:Keep the colors coordinated - This one is a no-brainier, do not have white text on a white background. Obviously no one would do that, but you get the gist of it. Make sure that each of your slides has the maximum contrast between the text and the background. You could use PowerPoint's built in color schemes but if you are using a picture from a background you just have to decide yourself if you can read ALL of the text or not.

5: Vary the slide content - If each slide only contains bullet points, the lack of variety will bore your audience so simply change the layout using the function that comes up whenever you make a new slide

6:Be enthusiastic - if you are genuinely enthusiastic about what you a representing, then some of your enthusiasm will "rub off" on the audience and they will enjoy your presentation more.

7: Avoid spelling errors - The subtitle says it all really, this is truly embarrassing so avoid it at all costs.

Now you have all of these great tips, there is nothing to stop you from making a great presentation. I'm only 13 years old and if I can do it,so can you so go for it Wink