
How to delete background picture using PowerPoint 2010?


It’s quick and easy, and you don’t need to buy and study Photoshop or any other third part graphic packages.

  1. Just open any  existing presentations  and insert new picture using  ‘Insert’ >’Picture\Insert a picture from file’
  2. After picture inserting open ‘Format picture’ and remove background by pressing button ‘Remove Background’
  3. Pls, note: cut quality will be depends of difficulty of the picture. Deleted area will be colored in purple( pink ) color.
  4. In case your picture not too complicated and you don’t need too much changes, staying in a ‘Background Removal’  mode choose  ‘Mark Areas to Remove’ and mark area to be stored.
  5. After finishing selection just press the ‘Keep changes’ button. Warning of deleting background will appear.
  6. Now you can specify new background instead of the remote and install any suitable style for your presentation.